Choose Carefully: Your Baby Mother/Father Can Embarrass You For A Longtime To Come

Owen W.
5 min readApr 4, 2024

Choose carefully because they can potentially embarrass and/or shame you for life

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Note: This isn’t meant to offend anybody

When it comes to creating life, it’s important to choose carefully. Men and women should think long and hard about whether or not the person they are with, is the person they can honestly say they want to have children with. In my opinion, there are lots of things to consider in this regard.

However, this article is about choosing wisely because your “perfect” partner now, could end up embarrassing you later down the road; When you guys have long broken up.

Let’s say you have children with your current BF/GF or husband/wife; And then you guys finish things at some point, while your kids are still kids.

That being said, here are a few examples of ways your baby mother/father can embarrass you (and for a longtime to come).

5 Examples Of How They Can Potentially Embarrass You

Here are five examples:

1. Public Meltdowns



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.