Do You Live Alone: I Have 10 Questions

For those who live alone, I got questions

Owen W.
3 min readSep 5, 2024
Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

Recently, I have gotten curious about people who truly live alone. And I found myself compiling a few questions for those people.

In fact, I wrote up 10 questions for the ones living by themselves. I don’t really think they’re too personal, and if some of them are, then you can be a bit vague or simply skip over the question.

That being said, here are 10 questions you can answer, if you live alone. Thanks in advance.

Questions 1 Thru 3

These three questions intrigue me the most:

1. Who Do You Turn To For Company?

2. When You’re Home, What Do You Do To Entertain yourself?

3. How Do You Cope With Bouts Of “Loneliness”?

So, is there a specific way you battle bouts of loneliness, or is the feeling of loneliness always there? How about entertainment:

. Gaming

. TV

. Surf the net

. Writing

And anything else that keeps you entertain. And is there family or friends you turn to from…



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.