Give Me Money: I’m In Good Shape

Don’t take this seriously, please

Owen W.
4 min readJun 16, 2024
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Note: Please don’t take any of this seriously.

Warning: This is wild shit I’m writing about.

Another Note: I wrote this as a cheap way to try to go viral. Maybe it’ll work, maybe not. I apologize for the sleaze.

Hi everyone. I’m in great shape. I’m a male who is ripped, and I think people reading this should give me money.

Yes, you should give me money because I’m in excellent shape. In fact, $10K is what I believe you should just hand to me.

But why should you just give me money for me being in great shape? Well, read on to find out what you’ll get in return (you actually get JACK SHIT IN RETURN).

Note: I specifically think I’m worth at least $10K, just for being in impeccable shape.

Give Me Money: I’m In Killer Shape

And here’s why you should give me money just for being ripped:

1. I’ll Make My Pecs Dance On Cam

This one is straightforward. Give me $10K, and I’ll jump on webcam and make my pecs dance. Highlights of this include:

. You’ll probably get a laugh



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.