My Opinion: We Write Blog Posts: 3 Major (Potential) Red Flags Writers Need To Beware Of

Owen W.
4 min readDec 2, 2022
Photo by أخٌ‌في‌الله on Unsplash

If you check out popular writing jobs boards, the chances are you’ve come across adverts from We Write Blog Posts. Their advertising is quite appealing, mentioning how top writers earn around $2,500 per month, as well as how there’s plenty of work available. However, there are three potential major red flags writers should be made aware of.

Note: This article is just my opinion and observation I made as a writer on We Write Blog Posts. I actually recommend giving them a try if you’re a writer looking for extra income.

Now back to the potential red flags. These red flags include:

1. Constantly Hiring

Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash

Sometimes when a company is constantly hiring, it’s a good thing. It could mean business is booming, and they need all the help they can get. Unfortunately, in the writing industry (content mills, writing agencies, etc. . .) this isn’t always the case.

In fact, I’ve witnessed a few content mills who constantly brought in new writers because they needed to provide “fresh voices” for their clients. From a client…



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.