Over 800K Visits To Airbnb’s Jobs Page Within The Last Week

Owen W.
2 min readMay 8, 2022
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Recently Airbnb announced they had remote job positions available. Ever since that announcement, the company’s jobs pages been viewed over 800K times!

About a week ago, Brian Chesky (CEO and founder of Airbnb) emailed his staff to let them know the majority of workers can work where they want. On top of that, workers won’t be taking any kind of hit to their pay.

Chesky said that employees will be allowed to work overseas for up to 90 days in a year, per location. For example, if an Airbnb employee chooses to work in the UK, they can work there for up to 90 days; They can return to their home country or head over to another country and stay for up to 90 days. However, for payroll and tax purposes, workers will still need a fixed address.

Also, it’s worth pointing out that Airbnb employees can choose to work in the office.

Chesky outlined a few of the key features of working for his company. These features includes:

. Employees can work wherever they want
. Compensation won’t change when they move to a location within their home country
. Once a quarter for a week, workers will take part in team gatherings

Final Thoughts: 800K Visits Is A Lot



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.