Shitty Behavior Begone: Elevate Your Life

Owen W.
8 min readApr 11, 2024

20 tips to elevate your life

Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Note: This article is not meant to offend anybody

With all do respect, we know what shitty behavior consists of. It’s pretty common what it is, and there’s no shortage of examples out there. That’s why this article won’t discuss crappy behavior.

Instead, it’s going to cover 20 quick tips to elevate your life. These 20 tips can help put shitty behavior in the past, so you can become a better person.

Whether you participate in crappy behavior or not, these 20 tips are still generally a good idea to practice. That being said, let’s get into the list.

20 Tips To Elevate Your Life

And now, let’s jump into 20 tips to help you stop shitty behavior and/or to elevate your life a little.

Tips 1 Thru 5

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

1. Try To Be Empathetic

Being empathetic towards people and their situations can put a stop to any shitty behavior you may exhibit at times. It won’t put a stop to all behavior, but generally speaking showing empathy more often than not can help…



Owen W.

Business. Making money. Writing. Fitness. Travel. Motivation. Music. News. A few sports and some gaming.